Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Bosch F013430045 ( 4300 )'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Bosch F013430045 ( 4300 )

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Bosch F013430045 ( 4300 )

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

1 16058065AX 13.93 16.86

2 2610047644 13.93 16.86

3 1604010B73 29.75 36.00

Electronic Assembly
4 1600A00M8P 26.84 32.48

Power supply cord EU 230V 2m 2 x 0,75mm H05 VV-F
5 2615302694 11.88 14.37

Cable Clip
7 2615650007 1.94 2.35

8 60829429X2 1.94 2.35

Brush Holder
11 2610017151 8.45 10.22

13 2610009812 0.83 1.00

16 1600A011H1 0.83 1.00

Cross Recessed-Head Screw
18 2615294035 1.18 1.43

Guide Lever
22 1600A00DM4 1.18 1.43

23 1600A00H7T 4.10 4.96

Light attachment
24 1600A009P2 10.10 12.22

Light attachment
24 1600A0192H 0.83 1.00

26 16058065BV 1.94 2.35

28 2615302548 1.94 2.35

Screw ST3,9x19
29 2610315386 1.18 1.43

Suspension Loop
30 1600A00E0C 0.83 1.00

31 2615302747 8.45 10.22

Carbon Brush
812 2610021241 4.70 5.69

shaft lock
819 2610044951 2.24 2.71

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